Monday, 24 February 2014

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Generating and Focusing Tool (Term 1 Week 6)

Name: Justin Goh Kai jun______________________________________ Class: s106 Sec 1

Brainstorming Activity 1

Generate as many ideas as you can for the use of rubber bands (at least 30). Number each of your idea.

1.  Can use for hanging
2. Could be used for making slingshot
3. Could be use for art
4. Can be to put around the container so ants can not reach the food
5. A lot of rubber band can be use as a soft landing
6. Could be used for making shoes so when the human grow, the shoes will stretching with the human as his feet get bigger

Paired Comparison Analysis Activity 1

Pick the top 4 ideas based on the criterion of innovativeness (different, most original, unique, feasible)

A. Can be use to put around the container so ants can not reach the food
B. Can be used for art
C. Can be use for hanging things
D. Could be use for  making shoes so when the humans grow, the shoes will stretching with human as his feet get bigger

A vs B >  Winner 1 = B C vs D > Winner 2 = D Winner 1 vs Winner 2 = D

Where do your top 4 ideas come from? Are they ideas from the beginning, middle or end, or all over?

What gives you those ideas?

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