Monday, 24 February 2014

My i&e worksheet

My i&e worksheet

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Generating and Focusing Tool (Term 1 Week 6)

Name: _Nicolas______________________________________ Class: Sec 1 06____

Brainstorming Activity 1

Generate as many ideas as you can for the use of rubber bands (at least 30). Number each of your idea.

1. Watermelon cutter
2. Insulate hot cup
3. Flying man
4. Potato gun
5. Gum dustbin
6. Mac
7. Tower 2000 meters in the sky
8. Star galaxy
9. Black hole 
10. Jumping big scary spider prank 
11. Rubber man superhero
12. Time machine
13. Bed
14. Giraffe feed
15. Tree seed
16. Self propelled car
17. Tires
18. Molten rubber block
19. Rubber-iron alloy
20. Confetti cannon
21. Detention handcuffs
22. Blood stopping bandage
23. Walmart skateboard wheels
24. Sabaru steering wheel
25. Ferrari exhaust pipe
26. Dino DNA
27. Magical flying potato cannon
28. Slinky
29. Stinky ball of rubber
30. Tennis ball shooter

Paired Comparison Analysis Activity 1

Pick the top 4 ideas based on the criterion of innovativeness (different, most original, unique, feasible)

A.Dino DNA
B.Giraffe feed
C.Time machine
D.Watermelon cutter

A vs B >  WInner 1 = Dino DNA C vs D > Winner 2 = Time Machine Winner 1 vs Winner 2 = Time machine

Where do your top 4 ideas come from? Are they ideas from the beginning, middle or end, or all over?

The middle and end

What gives you those ideas? 

My brain

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